Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Genesis 1:1-5; Revelation 21:1-5; Matthew 28:1-8

Believe is such a funny word – a multidimensional word.

I believe in God – one god – creator and sustainer of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus as Son of God and the Redeemer of the world (aka Messiah). He was conceived of God and born to a young woman, Mary, in a land we call the Galilee. He lived a distinctly human life walking among us teaching, healing and loving. I believe he suffered a horrible death, but defying death he rose to walk among us yet again if only briefly. I believe in the Holy Spirit our source of comfort, guidance and strength. These are fundamental beliefs. If you want to argue with me about any of them, I will bludgeon you into submission (which probably won’t change your mind, but I will bludgeon you nevertheless). These are my beliefs.

I believe.

There is yet another dimension to belief.

I believe God will come to Earth yet again, in part to judge, separating those who further his purposes from those who work at cross-purposes.  I believe he will set things aright, healing both mankind and the earth, restoring all Creation to align with his intended perfection. I believe in a life beyond our current earthly existence. As did Jesus, we too will rise to live again. I believe through God’s hesed (enduring loving-kindness) all my missteps and offenses can be forgiven, wiped away. I believe the church community was his idea with the hope we would work together to advance his will on earth.

This is wholly different from the belief in the earlier paragraph. It lacks the certainty of the belief expounded there, yet it is far from mere supposition. I will happily discuss any of these beliefs with you and in a charitable manner. I want to hear your thoughts and beliefs, especially those which differ from mine. I believe these to be true.

You see there are some things I believe in addition to the beliefs I hold.

Walking in the presence of God as I work out my salvation with fear and trembling,


[Note: This is the 500th instalment of McBurnett’s Musings. I haven’t words to express my appreciation to you who have hung in there with me as I Explore life in the Context of Scripture. Your encouragement has known no bounds and buoys my spirit. And thanks be to God, the source of each and every Musing.]